
Rite Bayou is a group aimed at crowd-sourcing volunteers for ad-hoc and regular events to assist in any way we can with the Houston community. Below are some of the activities that we have currently scheduled for the Houston area.

Volunteer Laboring - 

Historic 4th Ward renovation projects

Volunteers are required for the next volunteer day for the Rutherford B. H. Yates (RBHY) Museum. The next working day is November 16th and will take place at propoerties in the 4th ward. RBHY is dedicated to the preservation of historic structures on their original homesteads through internships, archeology, educational & community programs

Trash Collection Groups -

Buffalo Bayou park & 4th Ward.

We will be doing a Trash collection in the 4th ward and Buffalo Bayou park area along the trails into Downtown the weekend of the 17th and 24th of August. Any amount of time you can spend is much appreciated and makes a huge difference!